Tag: author interview

Jennifer San Filippo Author Interview

One of our owners, Stacia had the chance to sit down with Jennifer San Filippo, author of Mirror of Ice and various other titles. Read along to see what they discussed…! If you’d like more information about the book, you can check out our post, linked here. Turn The Page Tours: Thanks for sitting down […]


Author Interview with F.T. Lukens

We recently set up a tour for F.T. Lukens, the author of In Deeper Waters for their most recent release Spell Bound, and one of our hosts, Kim, was able to interview them and ask some fun questions! Read on to see a snippet of the questions asked. If you want to read the full […]


N.E. Davenport Interview

When The Blood Trials debuted, Stacia had the chance to have a virtual interview with it’s author. Read along to see what they discussed..! TTPT: The Blood Trials is your first book, congratulations! How does it feel to be a published author?N.E. Davenport: Amazing! Honestly, I’m still in an incredible amount of awe. I’ve always […]


Sasha Clinton Interview

  One of our organizers here at Turn the Page HQ had the chance to conduct a virtual interview with Ms. Clinton! Keep reading to see what they talked about. TTPT: So, is Lucien & I  your first book you’ve written? Sasha Clinton: It’s actually my fifth book. I’ve written three books as part of […]


Sasha Peyton Smith Interview

Stacia, one of the organizers here at TTPT, had the opportunity to conduct a virtual interview with Sasha, read below to see what they talked about (and to see what T. Swift songs are Sasha’s faves)! TTPT: Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! I’m quite excited to see what sort of fun […]
