Author Interview with F.T. Lukens

Posted March 31, 2023 in Interviews, Young Adult / 0 Comments

We recently set up a tour for F.T. Lukens, the author of In Deeper Waters for their most recent release Spell Bound, and one of our hosts, Kim, was able to interview them and ask some fun questions! Read on to see a snippet of the questions asked. If you want to read the full interview visit Kim’s post here. For more info about Spell Bound, check out our post here!

Kim Bartosch: Tell us about yourself and how you became a writer.
FT Lukens: Hello. My name is FT Lukens and I write YA speculative fiction. I started writing as a hobby, really as an outlet for creativity. I have always loved creating stories and characters. I began writing as a child but became really invested when I was a teenager and in college. Though I didn’t start to think about writing as a career until my twenties and didn’t publish any fiction until my 30’s. I absolutely love what I do and that I get to be creative and use my imagination as my job. That’s so special to me that I’ve turned my childhood daydreams of magic, dragons, and mermaids into a career.

KB: How long did it take you to write and edit Spell Bound?
FTL: The first draft took about four months to write. Editing took much longer! The final draft was not ready until about ten months after the first words were written.


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