Tolkien Reading Day

Posted October 6, 2022 in Past Tours / 0 Comments

Hi everyone!!! 

We have an exciting announcement/opportunity for our lovely hosts!

We’ve been asked to participate in #TolkienReadingDay2022! 

You may be asking what is Tolkien Reading Day? Well…it’s a day for Tolkien fans to do read alongs, rereads, discussions, etc of all things Tolkien. 

For our tour, we want to bring attention to this yearly event and our love for the worlds that Tolkien created. 

Each year, there’s a theme associated and this year’s is Love and Friendship! Which is perfect because our bookish community embodies that!! 

This tour is only open to US hosts who will be receiving a print copy of THE HOBBIT!

Tolkien Reading Day is on March 25th and so our sign ups will be open for a short amount of time in order to have the books delivered in time.

The stops will be open to creativity so feel free to come up with something fun to share! 



Disclosure: by using our BUY NOW links and making a purchase, we’ll receive a small comission that helps with the upkeep of our website!



Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 9.45.05 PMThe Hobbit



In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort.



Written for J.R.R. Tolkien’s own children, The Hobbit met with instant critical acclaim when it was first published in 1937. Now recognized as a timeless classic, this introduction to the hobbit Bilbo Baggins, the wizard Gandalf, Gollum, and the spectacular world of Middle-earth recounts of the adventures of a reluctant hero, a powerful and dangerous ring, and the cruel dragon Smaug the Magnificent.







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