The House With the Golden Door

Hi everyone!!!  We have a great new tour coming your way! This is the second installment in Elodie Harper’s acclaimed Wolf Den Trilogy, which reimagines the lives of women long overlooked in the ancient world. THE HOUSE WITH THE GOLDEN DOOR continues the #1 UK bestselling trilogy that began with The Wolf Den. Set in Pompeii before […]


Sasha Clinton Interview

  One of our organizers here at Turn the Page HQ had the chance to conduct a virtual interview with Ms. Clinton! Keep reading to see what they talked about. TTPT: So, is Lucien & I  your first book you’ve written? Sasha Clinton: It’s actually my fifth book. I’ve written three books as part of […]


Sasha Peyton Smith Interview

Stacia, one of the organizers here at TTPT, had the opportunity to conduct a virtual interview with Sasha, read below to see what they talked about (and to see what T. Swift songs are Sasha’s faves)! TTPT: Thanks for taking the time to chat with me! I’m quite excited to see what sort of fun […]


What We Expect From Our Hosts

Host Expectations Must have an active presence on Bookstagram, BookTok, and/or have a bookish blog. You must be able to accept and read BOTH physical and digital copies All hosts need to have Netgalley and Edelweiss+ accounts. Majority of publishers distribute digital copies via Netgalley, a few also use Edelweiss+. When tour has physical review […]


Become A Host

Before signing up to become a tour host, please refer to our Host Expectations page and carefully read our requirements. We look forward to adding you to our team. Loading…
