Cake Eater

Posted October 6, 2022 in Past Tours / 0 Comments

Hi everyone!

Welcome to our tour for this amazing YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Cake Eater! We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to help boost and support this book, and we hope you’ll join us along the way. If you haven’t already, make sure you pick up a copy for yourself, and don’t forget to follow all of our wonderful hosts–that way you won’t miss a stop!

Book Info

Cake Eater

by Allyson Dahlin
Release Date: August 9, 2022
Genre: YA Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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Decadent, thrilling, and romantic, this Black Mirror-esque retelling of the reign of one Marie Antoinette is perfect for fans of The Belles and American Royals.
The year is 3070, and Marie Antoinette has just arrived at the glittering, thrilling palace of Versailles to marry the shy, soft-spoken Louis-Auguste.
But beneath the luxurious world lies a sinister underbelly and an uncompromising elite who want to keep Marie and Louis pawns in a deadly game.
Will history repeat itself? Or will these doomed lovers outwit their enemies and escape their grisly fate?
Cake Eater will take readers to a dazzling world full of breathless luxuries, deadly secrets, and a thrilling romance that attempts to rewrite history itself. 


“You walk in the footsteps of your predecessors. Do you know where those footsteps led?” Obviously not. She’s supposed to be the expert on the Event, not me. “Burned up or drowned or dead from illness from the Event. I know. What’s the point you’re making?” “You think the Event was random chance?” Adelaide asks. She’s staring at me over the rims of her glasses, with her hands clamped on the table edge so tight that her knuckles are straining.

“No.” I’m getting pretty glitched now. Who is this woman exactly? In a way I can’t place my finger on, she’s scarier than Noailles. “It was caused by weather and climate disasters that humans made.” “And what about the disasters, the crumbling of society that went with these events? People with the least left to die, people used to plenty suddenly in want. Desperate people doing desperate acts in the name of survival. Could it happen again?” “No, we’re much smarter. We’ve learned a lot since then.” Adelaide closes her eyes as if my words hurt as much as a slap to the face. “What?” I ask. “Teachers aren’t supposed to be all hypothetical! What are you trying to teach me in this lesson? It’s way more buggy than last week’s.”

“I’m trying to teach you why the past is important, Dauphine. Those who have power must learn and must protect those who have none. You’re letting people steer you and all the rest of us into disaster because no one has learned anything! Not a damned thing!”

pgs. 119-120, Cake Eater, uncorrected ARC

About the Author

Allyson Dahlin grew up on a farm in central New York, where she had little to do but read loads of library books and make up magical and slightly creepy stories about the woods and farm animals while pretending to be a witch/homesteader. She studied psychology in college while working as a housekeeper at a motel in Cooperstown. That job involved a lot of boring hours to think up backstories for the guests whose rooms she cleaned. A shawl left on a chair by an aging opera soprano, a stack of old baseball cards left by a Hall of Fame inductee, and the legend of a monster in the lake were all fodder for stories. It was during that time she transformed from a reader and a daydreamer to a writer.

With some writing courses and a psychology certification in hand, Allyson worked in school counseling and then at a boarding school for girls with complex trauma. Writing kept her spirits up during her intensely emotional work. Eventually, she fell into internet marketing, which meant writing for her day job as well as focusing on her novels. Her first novel, Cake Eater, was inspired by a trip to Versailles and the realization that the circumstances of Marie Antoinette’s life could just as easily happen today.


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